Perfect Logo Size Guidelines for Websites, Social & Print

Perfect Logo Size Guidelines

In order to make the most out of each platform, you should follow logo size guidelines.

The logo is the most important part of a company’s brand. It is the first step towards branding and helps in creating an identity of the company for the customers. People can easily relate with a logo that is easy to remember. A great looking logo helps in marketing, increases brand recall and establishes an emotional connection with the audience.

While there are a lot of ways to develop a great custom logo, you might want to have a look at your logo size across different platforms. Each platform has a different standard size to upload a logo. Your logo might look smaller on YouTube than it looks on Instagram or Facebook. Even print media has a different sizing requirement for the logo as you don’t want to have a tiny logo on a billboard or an insanely sized logo for a small poster.

Want to get a luxurious logo?

Now, we know that searching for logo size guidelines on the internet could be a huge annoyance.

So, here is a complete guide to provide you perfect logo size guidelines for Websites, Social and Print.

Ensuring your logo meets the specific size requirements for various platforms is crucial, but the foundation of this is a professional logo design. This initial step determines how effectively your logo represents your brand across diverse applications. If you’re aiming to develop a visually appealing and impactful logo, partnering with a professional logo design service can make a significant difference.

But before we move towards these logo sizing guidelines, let’s discuss some basics:

Logo Sizing Basics

·         Logo Measurement:

Logos dimensions are generally measured in Pixels. So you will find the logo dimensions usually in 500px by 500px where PX is pixels or dimensions. Also, the file size would be in KB/MB/GB.

·         Vector Files:

Vector files are the master files which are crucial in scaling your logo or send it to the designer for further edits. They are usually in SVG format and can be used to get JPEG or PNG files.

·         Different Versions of Your logo:

You should also have Horizontal, Vertical and Square versions of your logos so that they can be used across various platforms such as billboards, websites, posters etc.

·         Using PNG for online:

PNG files are lossless compressed files which allows the quality of your logo to be maintained along with faster load times. They also allow for logos to have transparent backgrounds which are great for internet based usage.

·         Brand Guidelines for Logo:

You should have a ready to use brand guidelines document for your logo placement so that it is consistent across all communications.

Now, let’s have a look at the actual logo size guidelines:

1.       Logo Size Guidelines for Websites:

A website is like an online window to your business. It is your online shop. Whether or not you are selling on the internet, it is a platform where your potential customers can interact with your business.

They can read about your company vision, your services and products and can contact you via your business website. So, having an attractive website design and your brand logo on your website is crucial. Also, we recommend you using PNG files for websites so that they load faster and the quality is not compromised.

Well, most websites today use their logos on the top banner or header of the webpage. This way, the logo can be visible while navigating to other pages and seem consistent across the whole website. Another place to use your logo in a website is the Favicon (the icon next to your web-address bar).

·         Using Logo on Website Header

The logo is placed on the top left corner of your website navigation bar. Most online website building platforms will provide you the option to upload your logo file on the navigation bar. The logo size here will majorly depend on your website theme and positioning, but the height of the logo would be around 20px to 30px. The width of the logo would depend on how long your brand name is going to be.

·         Using Logo on Favicon:

The logo that should be used for favicon should contain only the icon as there is no readability of the text there and the appropriate sizing would be 16px by 16px.

2.       Logo Size Guidelines for Social Media:

Social media is a platform where your potential audience is going to be. This is a space where you can easily attract your audience by starting meaningful conversations, advertising and promoting your product using images, videos or text.

There are various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc. Each platform offers different features and different options to present your logo such as profile picture, cover photos, banners and posts. All of these options have different logo sizing specifications which are mentioned below:

·         Logo dimensions on Instagram:

o   Profile photo (circular): 110 x 110px

·         Logo dimensions on Facebook:

o   Profile photo (square): 160 х 160px

o   Cover photo: 1640 x 624px

·         Logo dimensions on YouTube:

o   Profile photo (circular): 800 x 800px

o   Thumbnail photo: 1280 x 720px

o   Cover photo: 2560 x 1440px

·         Logo dimensions on Twitter:

o   Profile photo (circular): 400 x 400px

o   Cover photo: 1500 х 1500px

·         Logo dimensions on LinkedIn:

o   Profile photo (circular): 400 х 400 px

o   Cover photo: 646 x 220px

·         Logo dimensions on Pinterest:

o   Profile photo (circular): 165 x 165px

We recommend that you use PNG files for social media as they provide lossless compression unlike in JPEG formats which decrease the quality and makes the image look soft or pixelated.

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3.       Logo Size Guidelines for Print:

Print has various applications for your brand logo. There are various ways through which you can promote your brand using print such as T-shirts, Posters, Billboards, Business cards, packaging and mugs. Print provides a tangible medium for your customers to interact with your brand. Placing your logo on a tangible medium provides a great way to increase the visibility of your brand in front of your customers.

Printing colours are a bit different than online colours using CMYK format (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) whereas online colors are based on HEX colour code.

In order to keep your logo look consistent across all print applications, you should have correct file sizes for all kinds of applications.

Some of the logo size guidelines for print applications are:

·         The size for a T-shirt is usually 14’’ x 15’’

·         For an 11 oz. mug, the standard print size area is 8.5″ x 3″

·         For an average hat, the logo size is around 3″- 3 1/2″ wide

4.       Logo Size Guidelines for Email Signatures:

Email signatures are a great way to show your logo to your customers and other stakeholders. If you send a lot of mails, it would be a great way to strengthen your branding. You should use a PNG file for an email signature. The size of the PNG file should be not more than 10KB. The dimensions of your Logo can be around 320px by 70-100px.

Well, there is no perfect size for a logo, you have to make sure that the next time you upload a logo across any format you follow our guide to help you out with the sizing across websites, social media and print applications.

Also, if you are still in the works of designing an amazing brand logo, we at Designfier, one of the best logo contest sites can help you get a professional logo for your brand in no time. Start here!

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Henny Darwin is a content strategist and moderator at Designfier, one of the leading graphic design marketplaces.