Hacks to Design a Logo: 19 Tutorials and Pro Tips

Do you want to design a logo for your startup? Do you have the basic logo design knowledge or want to hire a professional graphic designer for your logo design project? Designing a logo is a job that requires prior study and advanced level design knowledge.

Good logos gain popularity, not bad ones.

Designfier brings you some guidelines to design a simple yet memorable logo.

A logo defines the company and its products, which gives satisfaction to the customer. It must have everything which attracts consumer and business to be a part of this era.

How to Design a Logo: 19 Tutorials and Pro Tips

1> Inspiration:

Creating a logo needs inspiration and passion for creative thinking. Where you can Produce a powerful logo that Prompt companies, we can get inspired by anything to create or think of logo which provides the need of the business or consumer.

2> Creativity:

Designing a logo needs ideas where you can make a logo that inspires people to think of the company. Furthermore, it also gives immense ideas for creative thinking to create a different form of logos. Whereas the logo represents the company through creativity, secure communication, and the bond between consumers and businesses.

3> Theme:

Every logo should have an idea that inspires and represents the business, which provides a good source to people. Which also gives unique and notable between the customers. Without an idea, a logo is just pictured as the picture which represents the company. The theme can be anything that inspires or brings out creative thinking for a logo that stands out from the entire company or in the business world.

4> Ideas of friends and colleagues:

Getting inspired or fetching ideas from friends or colleagues may help you to get problem-solving ideas or great substitution for logo designs. Where you can use it as a sub for your future designs.

How to design a logo?
The logo can be developed by your own idea and sketches, which motivates the audience and customers. A logo defines the shape, size, and color to represent the company or business they are providing for the customer. Produce a logo that inspires the customer to know about the product and service provided by the company.

5> Samples:

Create a logo as much as you can, where you can get a certain combination of ideas and design which inspire you to make a perfect one which represents the company. Having more than one or two samples may help you to provide the require logo for the company to agree their motto and logo defines the same as their company produces.

6> Colors:

Colors are a must for a logo that says about the purpose of the company. Which also represents the product which the customer consumes. Colors will give a positive vibe for the customer about the product and company service, which is provided. Colors give out the nature of the company’s purpose and definition of their business and product. 

7> Audience or customer suggestions:

Fetching details and interest of customers, which gives positivity and belief for the customer, can be used as an idea for designing a logo. It will be helpful to design a logo according to the customer’s easy recognition of the product, which is produced by the company. And it gives the customer a friendly impression of the product. Getting reference is also a way of refreshing ideas and suggestions for a logo will help you to provide a great logo which represents everything about the company. 

8> Brand searching:

When we’re creating a logo, we should know something about the business of our clients to get ideas and themes or motto of their business. Where we can get easy and effective ideas to create a logo. It also helps to get different impressions and opinions towards the logo design. It gives confidence and believes in the logo.

9> Logo sketching:

Sketching or designing a logo may help you to get ideas and more details about the logo and theme through online access. Which helps to get the basic ideas and design about the logos. It also gives unique designs and multiple logos variety, which gives the possible vibe for the company nature.

10> Fonts:

Logo can be created by using alphabets and numbers, but when creating this type of logos, fonts must be chosen carefully to get the complete purpose of the logo. Fonts also represent the company name where they have ideas towards consumer needs and interests. 
Here are 50 logo fonts with download links

11> Story:

Creating a logo should have a story that represents the company or business motto for the consumer. When the logo flash, the customer should remember the product and service provided by the company, which may help the company to become stronger and grow larger. A significant logo should provide two stories in which one occurs and another one hidden.

12> Active logo:

The active logo is a type of digital logo that provides customer requirements or needs in a quick and faster way. It can be an efficient way to attract customers towards the business. It is also an easy way to advertise your business through the active logo. It is an easy way to get towards the customer in a simple instrument.

13> Logo Design Trends:

Getting ideas or inspiration from the latest logo design trends may help you to build a new unique one which inspires customers and fetches audience towards a business. Furthermore, it can also be easily recognizable for small scale businesses. 

14> Formation:

If A logo has more than one or two parts, it should have formation, which provides the details and product of a company in an easy and modest way. Which defines the company nature towards the customers and partners.

15> Typography:

It is a basic and better way to create a distinct logo, whereas the numbers and alphabets are used, and it is a simple and modest way to represent and reminds the company products. And also, it the most effective form of creating and bringing out the impressions of a logo that represents the company. 

16> Exceptional design:

Producing an unparalleled logo can help you grow stronger and better designer, which stimulates the ideas and design in extraordinary circumstances to help you gain more knowledge and skills about designing the logo. And also, it conveys the message towards the consumer and clients.

17> Online research:

Design a logo online and get different approaches towards the logos may help your creativity on the logo design. Which provide numerous thinking on the design of a company logo which gives you countless ideas and innovative logo that says about the company.

18> Versatile logo:  

Logos should be adaptable or easy to think for the consumer or the business members to remember the product and service provided by the company. Which means it can stand out in the group of companies logos.

19> Manual logos:

Logos, which is created or designed using pen and pencil, will be more unique in nature, and more complex design and experimental ideas can be accomplished easily. And also, we can produce many different samples and unique impressions of the logo, which can be used accordingly. 


A logo is a must require image which gives out everything about the company and its consumer. And also to be well known for their customers to identify in a fraction of seconds to remind about the product or assistance given by the company. So here are some ideas and tips about how to create a logo and its requirements to bring out the best logo for business.

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Henny Darwin is a content strategist and moderator at Designfier, one of the leading graphic design marketplaces.