Label design brief

Fill out the brief so the designers know what you‘re looking for.

 Your design brief
 Packages & upgrades
 Payment details
You'll also receive a copy of your brief for reference.


E.g. iComputer. Include the product name as it should be shown on your packaging design.
E.g. We’re Pineapple. Our iComputer is the next generation of computer laptop aimed at tech-savvy teenagers from all around the world.
Who is the target audience? Provide gender, age, location, income level, etc.

Creative vision
Describe your aims and requirements in detail here — the more specific, the better. Tell the designers what is required, but also let them know where they’re free to be creative.

E.g. Provide height, width and/or depth in mm or inches and describe what these

E.g. Your current logo, photos, illustrations, content, layout ideas etc.